The economic bubble has already burst out in America and other western countries.
It is only a matter of time until Malaysia would feel its effect. We can't actually say that as a country which an economic sytem which is less America prone we won't feel much effects.
Its true that analyst are saying we won't feel much, but how much is this not-much-feeling?
1.The group of youth are definitely not feeling it. Reason is, we don't care.
2.They spend even more weirdly nowadays (remember the post about me going with Fahmi and Nabil to OU? )
3.Its a young trend to spend like crazy at shops like Zara and go fashion obsessed such as the new singlet style Top Man shirts.
4.This is BAD. Simple but really BAD.
5.We all know that Singapore are retrenching Malaysian workers out of their companies and sending back here.
6.Its just a matter of time many countries would do so. London has already announced sending Malaysians back here remember?
7.Using a professional foreign worker is costly for them and would increase the unemployment rate in their country. Why? simple, if we give jobs in our countries company then our people won't get it. And professional workers are paid much more than normal workers here. We know that foreign workers have quality. The same here , the same in other countries.
8.Malaysia has more than too-high unemployment rates!
9.When more Malaysians are sent back, that means the population increases. When population increases, the number of unemployed people increases regardless of professionality.
10.Therefore the risk are higher for all the workers as risk of losing their jobs are too due to competition. Hence, many more people being unemployed cannot be avoided.
11.Malaysians are very choosy! They always want good jobs. Never willing to work a bit hard for something small.
12.This makes it hard for the parents of youth who doesn't have a job/unemployed.
13.Worse is with the way the sellers are going, the prices would just be amounting higher. Dulu Nasi Pattaya 3.50, now 4.50! A RM1.00 difference is very high! And the irony is, the food becomes less.
14.That means consumers are being victimised! Who are the consumers? Us lah pandai!
15.But then with all these problems, the youth seems to be inconsiderate to their parents by spending blindly.
16.Now other than the points up there why are they like this? BECAUSE YOUR PARENTS GIVE YOU MONEY AND YOU TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!
17.Youth don't care because no matter what tey will continually be fed with money and doesn't realise whats happening to their parents account book.
18.There is no kesedaran.
19.If this goes on without any new proper financial management, it will definitely affect the larger community of workers in Malaysia as the constant demand for money becomes higher.
20.And when parents refuse to give in, the youth starts to rebel and having negative feelings towards the parent hence comes the issue of family problems.
21.There goes on the never ending cycle of negativity.
22.What more is the unemployment rates.
23.When more people are left unemployed, how else would these people pay for their expenses and such?
24.The task falls on the goverment where they would have to cater for these people whileour funds becomes lesser.
25.The irony of this matter however is that our country is not a welfare country.
26.In other states, 52% tax pay cut is imposed upon its people whereas in our countries is much lesser. Bear in mind that their pay is much higher.
27.Where does this money goes to? To the welfare,education and the unemployed
28.Our country and its system however is not designed in that way.
29.Hence the unemployed would have to resort to other ways. Namely, crime
To be continued